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LIT 147: Citing Sources

Guide for Intro to African Literature

Tips for Citing Sources

Be sure that your sources are cited accurately and in the correct format.

  • When you use a book, copy down all the important information: title, author(s) or editor(s), chapter if applicable, publisher name and place, year, edition or volume number, and page numbers.
  • Most article databases have a "Cite" or "Citation" option in the Tools box. Copy this information to a document or email it to yourself (remember to go back and format it correctly).
  • Get citations as you go--don't do double the work by needing to look it up later.
  • Find out what format your instructor would like you to use and follow it correctly and consistently.
  • Use the resources to the right to help you!
  • Stumped? Ask a librarian for help.

Citation Guides

Citation Guides

These tools provide online guidance for the major citation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, and Turabian), with examples for both print and online sources:

Research and Citation Resources from Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)

Citing Sources  from Duke University Library

Research and Documentation Online by Diana Hacker

These handouts were developed by the Parkland Library Staff and the Writing Center:

Citing MLA*
Citing APA*

Online Citation Guides

Here is a good place to place links to particular citation styles used in the subject area for your guide.

Some general examples:

American Psychological Association Official Website (APA)

The Chicago Manual of Style Online

The American Medical Association

From The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL):




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