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LIT 147: Article Databases

Guide for Intro to African Literature

Narrow your search!

If your initial search results in too many results:

  • Use additional search terms
  • Try synonyms for your original term(s)
  • Search for full-text articles only
  • Limit your search to more recent materials, the last five years, for example

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Username = your Parkland email username (example: / username = library1)

Password = Parkland email password

Article Databases by Title

Use this to find information on authors or about the books you are reading:

Literary Reference Center

- good for plot summaries, author biographies, presentation images


Use these to find magazine and scholarly journals, plus book reviews:

Academic Search Complete

Omnifile Full Text Select


Use these to find newspaper articles:

Lexis-Nexis Academic

- good for INTERNATIONAL news stories (hint: Africa)


Use these to find articles on controversial issues:

Opposing Viewipoints (Expert opinions on controversial topics)

CQ Researcher (in-depth reports on hot topics)

 - both of these are good for women's rights issues


Useful Tips:

· Look beyond the first 10.  Your results are probably arranged by date, not by relevance.  There may be good stuff a way down the list.

· When you see something good, READ IT—look at the subject terms and abstract.

· Click on the Subject Terms to find more articles on that specific topic.


What if I can’t link to full text?

See a librarian!  It may be in a different database, available in our paper subscriptions, or available from another library.  We can help you navigate those choices.


How do I know which database to try?

The ones on the “Top Five” lists are good places to start.  Be sure to see if the drop-down menus might apply to your topic, and choose a database from there.  Or ask a librarian by phone, email or chat


Saving/Emailing the Article

Most of the databases have an option for emailing and/or saving the article. Look for the Tools box. Create yourself a folder for the specific course or assignment so you can easily refer back to the articles that might be useful for your topic.


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