Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 7:00pm
Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm
CLOSED Saturday and Sunday
December 21 - January 1
January 2 - 9, 2025
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
CLOSED Saturday and Sunday
Starting January 13, 2025
Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 7:00pm
Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm
CLOSED Saturday and Sunday
The Library observes the following holidays: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Spring Break Day, Memorial Day, July 4th Holiday, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Winter Break Days.
We'll respond near the start of our next business day.
During Library Hours:
Wi-Fi is available in most indoor areas on campus, as well as Parking Lot B1.
Students and employees login with your ParklandOne credentials.
More information:
Guests use this link for instructions to connect to Parkland Wi-Fi.
Eduroam is available.
Parkland's Computer/Network Usage policy applies to all users. Students, assistance configuring your access is available via Tech SD in Room A184, 217/353-3333, or Report an IT Issue.
Publicly available printers are available in the Learning Commons. Any of the computers in the Learning Commons can send documents to the printer.
To pay, students/faculty/staff have an online account tied to your ParklandOne login credentials.
Visitors may establish an account and add value to it. Note this value is not refundable.
The library does not have stand-alone photocopy machines.
Under the 1976 Copyright Act, Libraries may provide limited copying services for their patrons. The following guidelines must be followed for the Library to comply: The copied material must display the following information: "NOTICE": This material may be protected by copyright law. (Title 17 U.S. Code)
The material must become the property of the patron, and the Library must have no notice that the material will be used for anything but "private study, scholarship, or research."
Materials may not be copied in large quantities nor should it substitute for subscription to or purchase of materials.
It is the responsibility of the individual to comply with U.S. Copyright Law, which is posted near each machine:
Copyright Warnings
The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the reproduction, distribution, adaptation, public performance, and public display of copyrighted material. Responsibility for any possible copyright infringement lies solely with the user; the Parkland College and Parkland Library disclaims any responsibility or liability resulting thereof.
Parkland College Library
2400 West Bradley Avenue
Champaign, IL 61821
Fax: 217/351-2581