The Parkland Library has purchased streaming rights for these titles.
PBS is making many of their shows available, including FRONTLine, Great Performances, Wide Angle, the American Experience. and more!
Snagfilms (documentaries)
"SnagFilms is committed to finding the world's most compelling documentaries, whether from established heavyweights or first-time filmmakers, and making them available to the wide audience these titles deserve."
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Library List of Streaming Video websites
The Library owns video resources in both DVD and VHS.
Some of these materials must be used in the Library. Others may be charged out and taken home. Borrowing periods vary.
For details, see Parkland Library Borrowing Privileges. In general:
You can view and download images from ARTstor,
a searchable database of more than 700,000 digital images for research,
teaching and enjoyment in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering
many time periods and cultures, representing
architecture, painting,
sculpture, photography, decorative arts, and design, as well as many
other forms of visual culture.