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CHE 141 Mullen: Articles

Special Project Research Guide

Article Resources

Scientist's Contributions

For this part of the assignment, you will need to find an article written by the scientist in peer reviewed journals.  Most of these chemists are (were) prolific writers, so honing in on the best can be a challenge. Once you have citations, then you have to OBTAIN the articles, using Interlibrary Loan or going to UI Libraries.

These sources will list the scientist's most important articles and books.

Hint: Articles in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) are good ones for this assignment.

Getting the articles

  • Ask a librarian to help you see if the journal is held at U of I, and go over to retrieve it.  
  • If you have 2 weeks, use Interlibrary Loan (it might take less, but plan for 2 weeks).  
  • Parkland has Science and Journal of Chemical Education  but if you have a citation for JACS, that's always preferable!


The best article databases for chemistry are Scifinder and Scopus --unfortunately Parkland doesn't have access to either. Try the ones below, but be aware that 1). their coverage does not go far back in time and 2). some don't have great access to chemistry journals.

Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals

Grabbing Images

Windows-based computer

From a computer with Windows operating system (not Mac), go to the Start menu and type Snipping Tool to open it.

This link explains how to do it in greater detail.

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Champaign, IL 61821

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