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KIN 288: Finding Articles

Resources for your Summary Paper and Lab Presentations


Requirements for your articles:

  • Full Text must be found
  • 2 pages long, minimum
  • the articles must be Scholarly/Peer Reviewed
    • Often "Refine Results" then "Limit To"
  • BUT THEN your article must also be Original Research

Top Science/Health-related Databases

Original Research

Not all articles in academic/peer-reviewed journals are original research. "Original research" means the article:

  • is the report of a work written by the researchers who actually did the study, experiment, etc.
  • the researchers describe their hypothesis or research question and the purpose of the study.
  • the researchers detail their research methods.
  • the results of the research are reported.
  • the researchers interpret their results and discuss possible implications.

Keywords to look for as HEADINGS within the article:

  • Abstract
  • Methods (description of the research procedure)
  • Results
  • Discussion or Conclusion

The most common type of article to avoid  is a "Literature Review."  It's okay to see this phrase as one section of an article that meets the rest of the criteria above, but if the article is only describing previously published articles, it is not original research. Also avoid "systematic reviews" and of course book or media reviews.

Scholarly vs Popular Periodicals

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