Primal Pictures powers the platform to provide a 3D reconstruction of human anatomy based on real scans and imaging data. Features include 3D models, dissection tools, interactive features, embeddable text and video, quizzes, specialty content, and more.
The modules below are currently available to Parkland faculty and students. If the content doesn't cover your subject areas adequately, please contact Amanda Avery, Learning Technologies & Collections Librarian, to inquire how to get more subjects covered.
To access Primal Pictures, you only need your ParklandOne credentials. After clicking the database link, you may have to choose Parkland College as your institution, which will then lead you to the Okta login screen.
If you are unable to access Primal Pictures or have questions about training or content, please contact Amanda Avery, Learning Technologies & Collections Librarian, for assistance.
As a reminder:
Quick Start Guides